Learning at Nungurner
“You can teach students a lesson for a day; but if you can teach them to learn by creating curiosity they will continue the learning process as long as they live.” - C. Bedford
“I think, at a child's birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift would be curiosity.” - Eleanor Roosevelt
At Nungurner Primary School we want our students to be powerful and effective learners. In addition to acquiring skills and knowledge we want them to develop a positive learning disposition. We scaffold our students to be responsible, curious and independent learners who are agents in their own learning.
Learning for students at Nungurner Primary School will be achieved through:
- Explicit teaching of knowledge and skills
- An Inquiry approach to learning
- Individualised learning - personalised student learning goals set collaboratively
with students - Respectful Relationships
- The development of a learning community where students can learn together
and from each other across all age / grade levels - Learning tasks which are authentic and provide appropriate challenge
- Accurate, ongoing assessment of student’s learning with opportunities for
constructive feedback and reflection